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This Is My Father's World

Dear Friend


Father's Day serves as a reminder of the importance of extending kindness and support to those who may feel orphaned or lacking in paternal guidance. Beyond biological relationships, it celebrates the broader concept of fatherhood, encompassing mentors, role models, and community leaders who play pivotal roles in shaping the lives of the younger generation.

James 1:27 encourages individuals to embody the spirit of compassion and care for the "fatherless because He is "Father of the fatherless..."Psalms 68:5. On this day, as we honor our donor fathers and father figures, let us also heed a few of God's commandments to...

  • "defend the fatherless..." Isaiah 1:17; Psalms 82:3,4

  • not take advantage of an orphan- Exodus 22:22

  • "do no wrong or violence..." Jeremiah 22:3

  • not to "rob the fatherless..." Isaiah 10:2

  • obey his commandments: Deuteronomy 14: 28, 29; and 26:13

The Power of a "Father"

I had an absent father who never talked to me. He died when I was 13. I cried for the condition of my mother and not for losing him. But God had already identified a real father for me in the person of Dr. Robert C. Darnell, the pastor of our church when I was 7 years old. Dr. Darnell was the first Adventist to receive a doctoral degree in Islamic studies from the University of Michigan. He took me to their home as a foster daughter and gave me all the love I never had from my father. His wife, Mary, was like my Mom who cared for me and continued the training that my biological mother started.

Fathers are so essential in the lives of children. Jesus emphasized this when he was asked by his disciples on how to pray in Matthew 6... His prayer starts with "Our Father... “ What a beautiful name.

Thank you, our donors, for enabling Restore a Child to be "fathers" to the fatherless.


Norma Nashed


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